Harbour safety
“And who are you?”
Along with the tanker pier and its three manifolds for processing the tankers that arrive, NWO also runs its own a private harbour area.
NWO’s harbour is operated and protected with a keen sense of responsibility. Strict internal requirements with respect to the ships that wish to dock at the tanker pier mean that only those tankers can dock that fulfil NWO’s safety regulations. If there is any doubt that a ship conforms exactly to the guidelines we set, NWO inspects it immediately. While the ship is still at sea it is checked with a fine tooth comb to see that it complies with our in-house rules.
Apart from the regulations NWO sets, the harbour facility itself also comes under the close scrutiny included in the stack of measures to be taken to protect against risks to shipping and harbours as regulated by the ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code). This code requires tankers to make known to the authorities certain information beyond what we at NWO require of them. In this way the port authorities continually obtain a clear picture concerning the tankers entering the harbour and have the opportunity to react at any given time should any anomalies be found.
The ISPS Code not only regulates shipping but also entry requirements for harbours both on and off-shore. The already fairly strict rules controlling all NWO plant security are supplemented by its application. Anyone entering NWO premises or our harbour area must first prove their identity at the gate in order to receive the proper authorisation. There are further regulations concerning all personnel wishing to embark and disembark the ships moored here.